The Communication


The Impact of Words Have you considered the great impact that your words have? A careless comment, an offense or a sarcastic sneer. What does it communicate to others? Your words have the power to bring life or death to the heart of your fellow man. What you say and do can make or break others; it can strengthen them in the Lord or weaken their faith. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and whoever loves it will eat its fruits." (Proverbs 18:21) “Why is it [...]

The Communication2022-12-16T21:40:37+00:00

The Reconciliation


A lesson in reconciliation The Native Americans had a very special ceremony to restore their relationships. They sat in a circle and passed around a stone plate of burning tobacco. Then they inhaled the smoke through a hollow reed adorned with bird feathers, which they called "peace pipe". This was used to restore peace and friendship between enemies. God created us to have an intimate relationship with him and with others. We will always be vulnerable to disappointment, suffering, discord and disagreement, but instead of starting a "war of revenge", [...]

The Reconciliation2022-12-15T04:44:34+00:00



The downward spiral of rebellion Ever since actor James Dean appeared in a scene in an American movie with a cigarette in his hand and a black leather jacket, he has become the epitome of rebelliousness in the minds of many people. But even before that time, rebellion had always been conceived as very attractive, especially among the young. She's supposed to be daring...Adventurous...Brave. However, like most stereotypes, that idea is false. The end result of rebellion is darkness, confusion, and death. For parents or guardians who see young people [...]


The Wrath


A look through the lens of anger “‘Be angry, but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:26,27) Anger is okay sometimes. Anger must be resolved soon before it turns into sin. Anger can be restrained and controlled. If anger is not stopped, Satan can use it against us. If anger continues, it opens the door for Satan. “Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth, but what is good for the necessary edification, [...]

The Wrath2022-12-15T04:30:45+00:00



Depression in Children: Information for Teachers Children can communicate or show feelings of unhappiness, sadness, discouragement, irritability, but most of them will be reactive to an external event, they will serve to adapt to the different situations they face and the child will progressively recover from these states of anxiety. cheer up. However, a small percentage of them will experience depressive symptoms during their childhood and/or adolescence. It is important to differentiate depression from sadness. Sadness is a universal emotion of the human condition and has an adaptive function, while [...]


Alcoholism and Drug Addiction


The fight of a hero He was a complete American hero. Some say he was the greatest ballplayer who ever lived.4 Mickey Mantle seemed to have it all: fame, fortune, and millions of fans. The day he graduated from high school in 1950, he signed a contract with the world-renowned New York Yankees, a decision that began his path to fame. Statistics confirm his superstar status: He hit 536 career home runs, won three Most Valuable Player awards, had a 298 batting average, participated in seven world championships, and earned [...]

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction2022-12-15T04:00:23+00:00

Eating Disorder


“How do I know if I have a compulsive eating disorder?” Ask yourself this: Do I feel the desire to stop eating or cut out any foods or fats to the degree that the compulsion overwhelms me? Those who struggle with anorexia and bulimia feel enslaved. In their hearts they know that they are not free. “…For he who is defeated by someone is made a slave to him who defeated him.” (2 Peter 2:19) “What is the difference between overeating and bulimia?” The overeater may not mind being fat, [...]

Eating Disorder2022-12-15T02:04:37+00:00

The prejudices


The tragedy of prejudice Missionary James E. McEldowney wrote of his meeting with Mahatma Gandhi in Sevagram, India, a few years before he was assassinated: “We sat with him on the floor of his little dwelling. We feel humbled in the presence of such a great man. We asked him many questions regarding the future of India and as he answered us we could see that he had many plans for his country. Then we were surprised when he said, “I have great respect for Christianity. I often read the [...]

The prejudices2022-12-13T04:15:55+00:00



A prayer in the midst of loneliness After collecting the ribbons and crumpled Christmas wrapping paper, the young mother took the garbage out to the back alley. That Christmas morning was going on as usual, when she was interrupted by the cries of her three young children saying, "Hurry up mom, we have to be at dad's by ten o'clock!" When they heard the horn of the car, the three of them ran out and the scene of the gifts was repeated once more, this time with their father, his [...]


The Critic


The lacerating effects of criticism Sometimes those who live near you take on the role of “heaven's sandpaper”. They are the experts at finding bugs and errors no matter how small. They focus all their attention on them. The result of such a harmful attitude is anything but helpful, and does not improve the person. Rather, hurtful words lacerate and hurt, affect self-esteem, and emotionally drain us. We are all accountable to God for the way we use words. Especially those that hurt others. The excess of critical words does [...]

The Critic2022-12-13T03:22:49+00:00
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