

How to make wise decisions “She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not”… Has she ever plucked the petals off a yellow daisy one by one, wishing the last one would give her the most important answer of her life? This is an unreliable way to make correct decisions! That's how insecure are the decisions we make guided by feelings. Wise decisions are made with an understanding of God's will, and God delights in revealing his will to those who are willing to do [...]


The Importance of Good Manners


CHILDREN LEARN THEM AT HOME | THE EXAMPLE OF ADULTS IS FUNDAMENTAL. As it is said “good manners begin at home”, and there is no doubt about that, but sometimes from educated parents, spoiled children come out and of course no mom or dad likes their child to be seen that way. The question is how to get our children to have good manners, but what is meant by good manners and good behavior when it comes to a child? Will it be knowing which fork to use when food [...]

The Importance of Good Manners2022-12-10T04:53:27+00:00

Technique for Students to Overcome Fears


Today I want to present you with a very simple technique to face the fears that your students suffer with the best predisposition. It is a very simple, guided and scaled method that can be useful for those students who find it difficult to overcome a fear. The scary ladder. A way to face and overcome fears. Surely, throughout your life you will have experienced, lived or suffered some fear. And, surely, when you think about fear, you do so in absolute terms. There is a fear and this fear [...]

Technique for Students to Overcome Fears2022-12-06T06:33:00+00:00
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