The current “world war”

In August 1939, Hitler, following a master plan for world domination and total disregard for the sanctity of life, invaded his eastern neighbor Poland. The hostility of Germany raised the curtain for the outbreak of World War II. Today, another “world war” has jumped onto the stage with the idea of ​​controlling our beliefs. It’s called “The Great Debate: Does God Exist or Not?”

This war has nothing to do with a supreme military leader, but with the supreme spiritual commander of darkness. This war is fought with briefcases instead of projectiles; three-piece suits instead of military uniforms; academic arguments instead of artillery. Is human life a divine creation, or as Hitler thought, is it disposable? Is there an intelligent and personal God who literally intervenes in our lives?

In other words, does God exist? The major moral decisions of our day depend on how leaders answer this simple question. In Psalm 2:1, the Bible asks the question: “Why do the nations riot, and why do the peoples think vain things?” Your answer to this question is very revealing.

“The kings of the earth shall rise up, and princes shall counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed.” (Psalms 2:2)

“How can a logical person believe in the existence of God?”

A logical person cannot make statements as illogical as the following:

  • Saying “I know there is no God” really means “I know everything there is to know, and there is nothing I don’t know”. However, no one knows everything. Therefore, if there is something that we do not know, then it could be that it is God.
  • Saying “God does not exist” actually communicates that “I have been to every corner of the universe”. But no one has been literally everywhere. Since you have not been everywhere, you cannot say that God does not exist somewhere.

“Will anyone hide himself, saith the Lord, in hiding places that I do not see? Do I not fill, saith the Lord, heaven and earth? (Jeremiah 23:24)

“How can I believe in something I cannot see and have never seen?”

No one has seen gravity, but still, we all live by that law. The law of gravity pulls objects toward the center of the earth. Therefore, without the force of gravity, we would all be floating in the air.

“So faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

How to defend the faith

If something exists, we must come to one of three conclusions:

  • It is eternal.
  • It was created by something eternal.
  • He made himself.

During the Age of Enlightenment (18th century), skeptics asserted that the “God hypothesis” was no longer necessary… that the universe arose by spontaneous generation. Scientists believed that bacteria appeared in bread by the same phenomenon. However, when they made more powerful microscopes, the origin of bacteria was discovered and spontaneous generation was rejected. Currently, the scientific community recognizes and accepts that nothing comes from nothing. Therefore, for something to make itself, it must first exist. Therefore, it is impossible for something to exist and not exist at the same time. Ultimately, the only plausible explanation for the existence of the universe is that there is an eternal God. He is the only one who exists by himself. He always has been, and he always will be.

And: You, O Lord, in the beginning founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. (Hebrews 1:10)

Atheism and agnosticism begin with doubt caused by…

Damaged emotions, such as rejection, trauma, or lack of love in childhood.

Trust betrayed… authority figures are not trusted.

Unrealistic expectations… having a wrong concept of God and religion.

Buried beliefs… not believing in an almighty God of love.

Twisted truths… believing that our value comes from what we do.

Seared conscience… that prevents the divine touch.

…and ends with denial.

Key verse to memorize

“and you will seek me and find me, because you will seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

Key passage to read and meditate

Romans 1:18-2:29

Arguments for the existence of God

The Being Argument

All cultures are aware that there is a God and have a system of worship and even remission of sins. The fact that all people have thought of a supreme being in one way or another, presupposes that that being exists.

The First Cause Argument

Since scientifically something cannot come from nothing, our world had to be created. Therefore, a Creator must have given rise to creation.

Man’s argument

Because human beings are mentally and morally unique in contrast to all other forms of life, God must have placed within us our mental and moral capacities.

The Design Argument

Just as an intricate working clock is made by a watchmaker, the design of the world is equally intricate and functional. Therefore, it must have been planned by an intelligent designer.

“For thus saith the Lord, who created the heavens; he is God, the one who formed the earth, the one who made it and composed it; he did not create it in vain, he created it to be inhabited: I am the Lord, and there is no other.” (Isaiah 45:18)

“What kind of God exists?”

Based on the four basic arguments cited:

The Being Argument

Since everyone has an idea of ​​God within them, God is essential.

The First Cause Argument

Since the Creator made something out of nothing, God is all-powerful.

Man’s argument

Since human beings display the ability to make moral and selfless decisions and to seek the best and good of others, God is moral.

The Design Argument

Since God designed an intricate world (for example, the balance between heat and cold, the alternating exchange of gases between plants and humans), God is highly intelligent.

“He is the Rock, whose work is perfect, because all his ways are upright; God of truth, and without any iniquity in him; he is just and upright.” (Deuteronomy 32:4)