

Depression in Children: Information for Teachers Children can communicate or show feelings of unhappiness, sadness, discouragement, irritability, but most of them will be reactive to an external event, they will serve to adapt to the different situations they face and the child will progressively recover from these states of anxiety. cheer up. However, a small percentage of them will experience depressive symptoms during their childhood and/or adolescence. It is important to differentiate depression from sadness. Sadness is a universal emotion of the human condition and has an adaptive function, while [...]




Depression in Children: Information for Teachers Children can communicate or show feelings of unhappiness, sadness, discouragement, irritability, but most of them will be reactive to an external event, they will serve to adapt to the different situations they face and the child will progressively recover from these states of anxiety. cheer up. However, a small percentage of them will experience depressive symptoms during their childhood and/or adolescence. It is important to differentiate depression from sadness. Sadness is a universal emotion of the human condition and has an adaptive function, while [...]


Self Love in Teneengers


How to promote self-esteem in teneengers. If you have a teenage son, you may think that sometimes he lacks blood in his veins, that what he does is more out of obligation than what he really feels he should do. It is normal. Adolescence is a complicated stage, where adolescents are searching for their identity and this is not always an easy task for them. They often feel confused, but self-love is the fundamental basis for developing it, and as parents it is important to work on it to achieve [...]

Self Love in Teneengers2024-01-24T20:17:17+00:00
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